Page name: Valentine Art 09, Page 1 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-02-15 05:27:37
Last author: Artsieladie
Owner: Artsieladie
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Valentine Art 09, Page 1

Elftown Valentine Competitions


Please see the rules on the main page:
Valentine Art Competition
- Valentine Poetry Competition
See also:

This contest is now closed for 2009!


Winners: Valentine Art Competition, 2009

<news:[ECM Unicorn@wiki] Open - Valentine Winners!>
THEME: "Forbidden Love"</center>

First Place:

By [deeterhi]!

                Second Place:

                         By [Triola]!

  Crew Favourite:

            By [Ms. Steel]!

All submissions: This page.


Thank you to all that contributed!


How to post your entry:
Add your image after the last one that has been already posted. Number your entries, and separate them with the <hr> tag. Don't forget to write your username and the title of the entry:

0. [insert user name] - "Title"

There is a theme: "Forbidden Love"

Forbidden - Definition:
- (adjective) Not allowed; prohibited.

DEADLINE: 2009-2-11


1. [Jitter] - "Heaven and Hell"

2. [JajaJulie] - "The snake and the Mouse"

3. [Morphea] - "unnatural"

4. [deeterhi] - "Batman and Robin" :P

5. [Triola] - "Luna and Sol"

6. [FamousPanda] - "Angels of Different Worlds"

7. [Flisky] - "Jedi vs. Sith"

8. [*micky*] - "Maya und Domenico"
'You live in a Villa, he's a streetchild!'
The love who wasn't meant to be...

9. [LadyWillow] - "L'amoure"
Pliedes and Angelique

10. [LadyWillow] - "Some Princesses Don't Want to be Saved"
Sayri and Eirin, Human Princess and Dragon Prince

11. [blu.nation] - "Seven Seeds"
(Hades and Persephone - fullview svp~)

12. [Ms. Steel] - "Mischief in the Woods"
(Alternately titled, 'My, what big hugs you have!'; Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf.)

13. [Tynuka-Rhytishy] - "Mother Nature and Fire"

14. [arthemis_] - "Justice and Revenge" 
I came up with this idea when I was having a fight. The fact that Justice and Revenge often seem to go hand in hand together with the fact that they shouldn't go hand to hand. So, in the Valentine mood: the forbidden love between Justice and Revenge. All done with the shape-tool of Adobe (no custom shapes, all within the original program).

15. [FamousPanda] - "Love Not food"

16. [Artsieladie] - "Elftown Loves A Bug?"

Username (or number or email):


2009-01-17 [Alexi Ice]: All these entries are going to be REALLY good.

2009-01-17 [Artsieladie]: Yes, I'm looking forward to them, as always. :)

2009-01-17 [Alexi Ice]: Me too! Not only do I love participating in contests I just love watching the progress...And of course meeting other artists like me, and contest are an awesome way to get involved which you KNOW I love!

2009-01-17 [Artsieladie]: I doooo? Oh, yes, of course I do!!!!!!!!!!! ..KNOW IT! *winks*

2009-01-17 [Jitter]: Bwi first! :D

2009-01-17 [Alexi Ice]: Oh! Good idea! Its so pretty! I especially love the color!

2009-01-17 [Jitter]: Thanks! I saw a picture some months ago in this colour scheme (I think it was a drow) and decided to go that way :)

2009-01-17 [Artsieladie]: Nice [Jitter]! First entry, too. ;) Woot! :)

2009-01-17 [Alexi Ice]: Yeah I thought that too before I read the title.

2009-01-19 [Alexi Ice]: [JajaJulie] - There is nothing more I can describe that as save ADORABLE! Its so cute and SO origional! I love it!

2009-01-19 [JajaJulie]: Thank you. :D

2009-01-19 [Hedda]: [JajaJulie]: Very cute, but what's so forbidden about it? All snakes love mice... I don't think it's ever mutual though. <img:stuff/cheshmak.gif>

2009-01-19 [JajaJulie]: Heh exactly. I'm sure her mousey friends wouldn't be pleased if they found out she loved a snake. I'm sure they wouldn't be up for inviting him over for dinner, either. Since, yeah...they're mostly on the snakes menu.

2009-01-19 [Hedda]:
So what do you think about your mother-in-law?
She was delicious!
What? You mean sexy?
No, yammy, tasty, you know?

2009-01-19 [JajaJulie]: XD

2009-01-19 [Morphea]: Just for the fun of it until I get to make the real entry :D

2009-01-19 [Artsieladie]: I agree, [JajaJulie], but I think the snake will always have the upper hand in that relationship. "Do as I say, or I'll eat you!" Very cute! :) Nice take, [Hedda]. :) [Morphea] you have the right idea... FUN! Me wubs your elephant. :)

2009-01-19 [Morphea]: hehe Thanks [Artsieladie] He is cute isn`t he ;P

2009-01-19 [Artsieladie]: Indeed! :)

2009-01-19 [Morphea]: Maybe I should just color it and keep it as my entry.
I had plans to make a totally different entry but now this one is kinda growing on me ;)

2009-01-19 [Artsieladie]: I don't think elephants are carnivores, are they? *too tired to look it up* :P

2009-01-19 [Morphea]: not that I know of.....just plants and stuff.
Atleast I hope so.....I don`t want the little mousie to be eaten....poor thing

2009-01-19 [JajaJulie]: Looks like the only thing that is going to happen to that mouse is that it's going to get crushes by all of that elephants flubbies. :( Cute drawing [Morphea] would love to see it colored. :D

2009-01-19 [Morphea]: yes so would I....*goes to color it*

2009-01-19 [Alexi Ice]: [Morphea] - I laughed. Lol! A mouse and an elephant! That would be hilarious!!!

Artsie - Yeah elephants I belive eat just eat green stuff...except I wanna say SOME elephants eat like bugs and stuff.

2009-01-19 [Hedda]: And the next drawing will be a lion and an elephant? <img:stuff/cheshmak.gif>

(Elephants always attack lions whenever they get the chance. Just as they walk around mice.)

2009-01-19 [Morphea]: naaah was thinking more in the line of a love triangle between a lion, tiger and rabbit ;)

2009-01-19 [Artsieladie]: *listening and laughing*

2009-01-21 [Artsy]: O.O'' omg! Batman and Robin.. I don't know if I should laugh really hard, weep, or stare open-mouthed

2009-01-21 [Morphea]: You have outdone yourself [deeterhi] :P BRILLIANT!!!!

2009-01-21 [Tynuka-Rhytishy]: LMFAO [deeterhi]

2009-01-21 [FamousPanda]: -sees [deeterhi]'s entry and falls over laughing- lmao That is great.

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